The decentralized trading platform TTSSwap officially launched the T chain at 15:00 on June 5th

Official announcement: TTSSwap, the decentralized trading platform that pioneered the “one coin, one price” trading mechanism, officially launched the TTS public chain – T Chain at 15:00 on June 5th. T Chain is a public chain for commercial applications with cross-chain attributes that the TTSSwap decentralized exchange has developed since the beginning of its implementation, […]

DHO, The Revolutionary Alternative of Metaverse

The DAO Hyperledger Omniverse (DHO) was born to break the chains that Rousseau once mentioned — “Man is born free but everywhere is in chains.” Empowered by Web3 construction, DHO innovatively combines 2 emerging technologies, Metaverse and Dao, to create a revolutionary alternative of metaverse where rights for the people, by the people. Based on the principle of democratic autonomy, DHO has set […]